Tuesday, November 4, 2008

8.Cuban Missle Crisis

During this time period Military draft was still in effect. If one left college or didn't go to college, they were open to be drafted for 2 yrs. active duty, 2 years reserves or opt to be a reservist for 6 months active and 5.5 years of reserve. In the event of a national event, reservists were compelled to serve. In that timeframe, some ran to Canada to dodge the draft or declare being a conscientious objector or one who believed in non-violence, no war. During this time my grandpa Jim spent 6 months in active duty and 5 and a half years as a reservist. Some of his instructors were activated to Homestead Fla. for training in case there was an issue with Cuba and the Russian missiles that were there. My grandpa came very close to being sent into active duty during this time. With the missiles put into Cuba the United States began to take action by placing more reservists into duty. During this time both my grandparents remember being very scared with missiles so close to American soil. Since my grandpa knew what these nuclear weapons could do, for those two weeks it seemed like everyone was very content with what they did. Remembering many of his reservist friends who were sent into active duty from his same company, he never realized how close to this crisis he really was.

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