Sunday, October 5, 2008

2. Technology in the 1950's

Appliances (Contexts): Before Television the way to get information and entertainment was through the radio. Growing up my grandmother would always listen to stories on the radio. For her Sunday nights were family nights. After her dad would purchase one Baby Ruth candy bar, he would cut it up into three pieces and give each of them a piece. While sitting on her parent’s bed with her brother, sister, and parents and listening different stories they would enjoy their little piece of the candy bar. Her personal favorite was a story called “the shadow.” Besides the television another huge invention during this time was the telephone. The way the telephone worked at the time was that each household was put on a “party line.” This means two or three families would split the line with each other. When my grandma and grandpa would pick up the phone as kids they would have to say the extension number and then they would be connected. Sometimes when they picked up the phone neighbors who were on the same party line would be talking so the funny thing to do was to listen in on their business. Another new invention during the time was the Wringer Washing Machine. This machine would wash your clothes for you, but not wring them out at all. So as kids they would have run them through the wringer at the top of the washing machine then hang them on the clothesline either in the backyard or in the basement. This was part of Yvonne’s chores around the house. She remembered what a pain it was the wear clothes that were so stiff from the drying racks.

1 comment:

Dr. Rice said...

How is this a contexts post? How does it connect your family's history to the course materials? I don't see the connection here.